Top IT and Security Issues for 2024

At FSA Consulting, we love technology, but as technology grows so do IT security issues and threats. The good news for our clients, however, is we focus on keeping your business running smoothly, including mitigating security threats so that you can do what you do best. And trust us, in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying ahead of cybersecurity threats is more critical than ever. Here are some of the top IT security issues for 2024 (and because we are solution-oriented, we have some of those too!)

IT Security Issue: Ransomware Attacks 

The challenge

Ransomware is a type of malware that takes a user’s data or device hostage, threatening to keep it locked—or worse—unless the victim pays a ransom to the attacker. Cybercriminals are increasingly using sophisticated ransomware to extort money from organizations by encrypting their data and demanding payment for its release.

The solution

FSA consulting cannot guarantee we can prevent an attack, but there are some best practices we recommend. Always back up your data. Regular backups may minimize an attack by allowing for a speedier recovery. Keep all your systems and software up to date.

We recommend antivirus software, firewalls, and anti-malware software.

IT Security Issue: Phishing and Social Engineering

The challenge

Ever received an email asking you to send someone iTunes gift cards? That’s a classic example of a phishing attack. Phishing is a form of social engineering where attackers trick people into sharing information. Your employees can pose a significant risk to your company by inadvertently sharing sensitive information. 

The solution

You can protect your business by training employees to avoid phishing.  Most of these types of security breaches are preventable when people are trained to identify, report, and avoid phishing emails. 

IT Security Issue: Keeping the Cloud Safe

The challenge

We love the cloud. In fact, FSA has many Cloud Solutions to offer your business. However,  ensuring the security of cloud environments and data is a critical challenge. Cloud solutions have specific security concerns. These include: data breaches, misconfigurations, insecure APIs, DDoS attacks, and more. 

The solution

This one is simple. Make sure you are maximizing and securing your cloud solutions by using certified consultants

IT Security Issue: IoT Vulnerabilities

The challenge

IoT stands for “Internet of Things.” What’s that? The collective network of connected devices and the technology that facilitates communication between devices and the cloud. IoT service vulnerabilities can present new entry points to devices connected to home networks, such as laptops and computers. In the age of hybrid and remote work, this is a growing issue. 

The solution 

Strong authentication and access control, regular software and firmware updates, and device management and lifecycle policies can help mitigate these vulnerabilities. 

IT Security Issue: AI and Machine Learning Threats 

The challenge

Seems like AI is in the news all the time. While AI enhances security, in certain cases it is leveraged by attackers to create more sophisticated threats and automate attacks. 

The solution

This is a developing field and something to keep an eye on. NIST (National Institute of Standards & Technology) recently developed a Risk Management Framework which they recommend for mapping, measuring, and managing AI security risks.

IT Security Issue: Quantum Computing Threats 

The challenge

This is an emerging threat. Quantum computing represents a significant shift in computational power, solving complex problems far more quickly than “classic” computers. While this holds great promise in certain fields, it also introduces several new security threats. Essentially, the potential of quantum computing to break current algorithms poses a future threat to data security. (Quantum computers can solve mathematical problems and algorithms that classical computers cannot).

The solution

We’re keeping an eye on this one. Preparing for future threats involves a combination of always following the latest best practices, enhancing existing security measures, and staying informed about developments in quantum computing technology.

Want to ensure that the technology entering your organization is an asset, not a liability? FSA Consulting stays on top of the latest security threats and best practices for your business. Contact us today for a free analysis of your IT infrastructure and security.