FSA Consulting Tech Tips blog post on spring cleaning digital clutter

Spring Cleaning: Clearing Digital Clutter

Spring cleaning. Maybe you want a fresh start. Maybe you need to clear your house and your mind of things you don’t need. Perhaps you’re just really bored during the cold Pittsburgh winter. As you attack your closets and carpets, don’t forget to clear out the digital clutter in your life!

We promise it’s not that hard and you’ll be happy you did. You don’t need to buy a new computer to have a computer that runs like new.

Read moreSpring Cleaning: Clearing Digital Clutter

FSA Consulting Tech Tips blog post on how to recycle electronics

Safely and Responsibly Recycle Electronics

Did you exchange new electronics over the holidays in your family? Is Dad proudly sporting a new Apple Watch? Do you need to drag the kids away from their new gaming console? Congrats on the successful gift-giving! But, now comes the question of what to do with all the phones, laptops, monitors, games, and more — maybe even an old iPod Shuffle or two — collecting around your house. Electronic recycling is your best path forward. 

Read moreSafely and Responsibly Recycle Electronics

FSA Consulting Tech Tips blog post on third-party cookies and internet privacy

Best practices for Third-Party Cookies and Internet Privacy

A constant concern with work and life on the Internet is the line between privacy and functionality. Third-party cookies are a continually evolving example of this. While Internet cookies are necessary, they can also compromise your privacy. This month’s Tech Tip focuses on the best practices for website browsing when it comes to cookies (and we don’t mean adding chocolate chips)!

Read moreBest practices for Third-Party Cookies and Internet Privacy

FSA Consulting Tech Tips blog post on keeping your business safe with backups

Are you keeping your business safe with regular Backups?

Devices break. Hacks happen. Are you ready to lose all your data and files on your computer because you spilled your morning cup of coffee all over it and have no backups? Probably not! 

You can minimize your loss by backup data on your computers and devices regularly. No matter how large or small a business is, data and files such as sales records, inventory information, photos, and more are essential historical information. When a device or a hard drive fails, you can always replace it with a new one, reinstall the operating system, or redownload your programs, but your data and files are irreplaceable. 

Read moreAre you keeping your business safe with regular Backups?

FSA Consulting Tech Tips on password security

How important is choosing a strong and secure password?

These days it seems passwords are required regularly. You use passwords to log into your computer for email accounts, online apps, online shopping, software applications, and more. We can’t stress the importance of password security and choosing strong and variable passwords for all your accounts. But, we also understand the difficulty of keeping track of different passwords and different password lengths and character requirements. In this Tech Tip, we share why password security matters, the best practices on selecting passwords, and tools that will help you remember and organize all of your passwords.

Read moreHow important is choosing a strong and secure password?

#TechTips: How many Web Browser Tabs should you have open

How many browser tabs should I have open? Answer in this month’s Tech Tip.

FSA Consulting is an IT management firm or by the industry term, a Managed Service Provider (MSP).

You call a plumber when you have a problem with your sink, an electrician when you have a problem with a light switch, and businesses call us when they have a problem with their computer (or anything technology-related).

Read moreHow many browser tabs should I have open? Answer in this month’s Tech Tip.

#TechTips: Reboot Your Computer

You haven’t reboot your computer since WHEN?

Why you should get into the habit of rebooting your computer once a week.

As a managed IT service provider, we encourage our clients to call us whenever they need IT support.  After all, we are their IT department and if they’re having trouble with their computer, they need to know they can count on us to help them resolve their issues and get back to work fast. But so often, we get asked questions that don’t have a good rhyme or reason for happening.

Read moreYou haven’t reboot your computer since WHEN?